Improved Packaging No ratings yet.

Context/Intent This pattern displays how to reduce the unnecessary extra packing when ordering items online.
Problem Due to the easiness of online shopping, more people are buying items online, which increase the amount of packaging used for shipping those items.
  • Any item bought online has their own packing plus the packaging for shipping.
  • People tend to buy items separately.
  • Materials (plastic) are not biodegradable.
  • Packaging is disposed without recycling or reuse.
  • When purchasing the item online show the types of packaging available for shipping, pre-select less packaging thus cheaper option.
  • Attach instructions to conserve the packaging and reuse them as gift boxes.
  • Display instruction to encourage recycling.
  • Encourage devolution of packages for further use in other shipping.
  • Less useless packages are used when sending items.
  • More packaging is reused within online shopping.
  • Customers reuse packaging for other purposes.
  • Packages are reused.
Related Patterns SOCIAL SHARING
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  • Original Author: Felipe León.

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