Green Printing 4/5 (3)

Context/Intent This pattern is to reduce/stop printing unless necessary.
Problem Large sums of documents are printed unnecessarily generating a huge waste of resources (paper and ink) and has negative impact on the environment
  • The document size is large and is widely used, and almost every person in the organization wants to print.
  • The document is in colors, 1 face, spaces between lines and margins are wide
  • Oversized images that take much space
  •  Disable by default the print button
  • If user really needs to print, display warning
  • Show leader board/point reward system
  • Finally print but with print, settings changed
  • Users print less.
  • Fewer resources are consumed.
Related Patterns  SOCIAL SHARING

  • Example:


  • Original Author: Felipe León.

  • You can follow the discussion soon.

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