Green Procurement No ratings yet.

Context/Intent When new resources (softwares, hardwares, tools) that can be shared are purchased within an organization, the information is shared among members of the organization to aid sharing of these resources.
Problem When resources are not shared across departments inside organizations, it led to less resources utilization and increase expenditures for resources which are available for use within the organization because the same resource can be bought twice.
Forces Resources such as printers, scanners, measurement equipment, projectors, laptops, specialized software that has expensive licenses installed in single computers.
  • List tools available for use to other departments
  • When new shareable equipment/software is purchased for a department, other departments are informed of this new purchase
  • Wasteful purchase of resource reduces
  • Unused resources are shared in other departments.
  • Resource utilization increases
Related Patterns  SOCIAL SHARING

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  • Original Author: Felipe León.

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